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  1. Mast1c0re PS2 USB / Network ELF Loader & Game Loader PS4 / PS5 Updates

    Since the Mast1c0re ELF Loader, Mast1c0re USB Game Loader WIP, PS4 / PS5 Mast1c0re Payloader, PS4 10.50 OFW and PS5 7.00 OFW updates McCaulay (BuyMeACoffee Page :coffee:) of made available via Twitter some corresponding revisions to his Mast1c0re PS2 USB ELF Loader, Mast1c0re PS2...
  2. Partial Reimplementation of TheFloW's BD-JB (Without Kernel) by Sleirsgoevy

    Following theflow0's Blu-ray Disc Java Sandbox Escape (PS4 BD-JB / PS5 BD-JB) presentation at the HardWear 2022 Conference, developer @sleirsgoevy announced on Twitter that he updated his Github repository with a partial reimplementation of TheFloW's BD-JB (no kernel yet) alongside a bd-jb.iso...
  3. GhidraOrbis: Updated Ghidra PS4 Loader Plugin by Astrelsky

    Following the GhidraPS4Loader, GhidraOrbisTools and Ghidra Ethylamine Port in lieu of disassembler IDA Pro (Console Scripts) developer astrelsky recently shared an updated Ghidra PS4 Loader Plugin dubbed GhidraOrbis on Github for PS4 Scene devs to utilize in reverse-engineering and code...
  4. Mira 7.00-7.02 PS4 WIP Ports by Al Azif & MACROSS (Retail) 7.02 ELF Collection

    Proceeding the 7.02 PS4 Kernel Exploit (KEX), previous Mira Project Updates and Payloads, potential New WebKit Exploit discovery and 702_MACROSS_COLLECTION_FOR_SLEIRSGOEVY.rar (7.02 PS4 Decrypted Kernel file pack) comes some Mira 7.00-7.02 PS4 Ports from @Al Azif, who noted the following on this...
  5. PS4JB: PS4 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit by Sleirsgoevy is Released!

    Since the PS4 7.02 Kernel Exploit release by theflow0 and his PS4 Webkit Bad_Hoist 6.72 Exploit Port WIP, PlayStation 4 scene developer sleirsgoevy (Twitter) added an experimental a stable PS4JB: PS4 6.72 Jailbreak Exploit implementation to his Github repository today for those seeking to test...
  6. PS4 Webkit Bad_Hoist 6.72 Exploit Port WIP by Sleirsgoevy & 6.72 Dumps

    Proceeding his PS4 ROP 8CC Port and the 7.02 PS4 Kernel Exploit (KEX) release, PlayStation 4 scene developer sleirsgoevy added a work-in-progress (WIP) port of the PS4 Webkit Bad_Hoist 6.XX Exploit by Fire30 to his Github repository noting it should work up to 6.72 but requires some minor...