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  1. PlayStation Portal Hacked by TheFloW0, PSP Emulator Running Natively!

    Since confirmation of the PS4 Kernel RCE Talk by TheFloW0 at TyphoonCon 2024 earlier this month, Security Researcher Andy Nguyen announced on Twitter today, "After more than a month of hard work, PPSSPP is running natively on PlayStation Portal. Yes, we hacked it. With help from xyz and...
  2. KVitaEmu: PS Vita Emulator Proof of Concept by Developer KPSPEmu

    PlayStation developer kpspemu coded a PSP Emulator called KPSPEmu (Demo) in Kotlin Common Platform with Korge targeting JVM and JS months back, and recently he started work on a PS Vita Emulator Proof of Concept known as KVitaEmu with the related Github pages linked below for those interested...