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  1. PS5-Ready Exploit Host for Self-Hosting PlayStation 5 Exploit by Al Azif

    Developer @Al Azif made available via Twitter a 'blast from the past' PS4 Exploit Host release which now offers a PS5-Ready Exploit Host including PlayStation 5 support for those in the PS5Scene to host their own exploit complete with a Windows EXE build for one click hosting. :geek: Download...
  2. PSFree WebKit Exploit for PS4 6.00 to 9.60 & QuickHEN PS4 Incoming

    This weekend PS4 Scene developer @CelesteBlue announced on Twitter news of a PSFree WebKit Exploit for PS4 6.00 to 9.60 crediting Sergei Glazunov and Maddie Stone (Twitter) of Project Zero for discovering the vulnerability, anonymous for writing the PSFree Exploit and himself for testing...
  3. Sleirsgoevy's PS5 HEN PS4 FPKG Enabler Payload Port to 4.51 by Cheburek3000

    Since Sleirsgoevy's PS4 FPKG Enabler PS5 HEN 4.03 Payload release and Cheburek3000's PS4 FPKG Enabler PS5 HEN 4.50 Payload Port, this weekend Cheburek3000 returns to Github adding the PS5 KStuff Offsets for 4.51 to prosper0gdb and ps5-kstuff of Sleirsgoevy's PS4JB Payloads for those in the...
  4. Exploring the PS5 Security Landscape by SpecterDev at 2023

    Recently shared a code riddle on Twitter, later confirming that @SpecterDev (Twitter) "will showcase the evolving attack surface & ushering in of modern mitigations like Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (SMAP), (SMEP) etc + investigate the internal workings of the PS5's hypervisor."...
  5. PS5 JAR Loader iSO: Remote JAR Loader for PlayStation 5 & PS5-Versions.elf

    Proceeding the PS5 BDJSDK, John Tornblom's Updates, PS5 ELF Loader, Homebrew PS5SDK (WIP) and PS5 Debug Settings updates comes a PS5 JAR Loader which is a Remote JAR Loader for PlayStation 5 from Hammer-83 on Github that utilizes the previously released BD-J Vulnerability alongside a...
  6. PS5 Kernel Exploit Updated for 4.03 / 4.50 / 4.51 Firmware Versions

    Following the 4.03 PS5 Kernel Exploit and 4.50 PS5 Kernel Exploit, recently Cryptogenic's Repository with PS5 4.51 Support was updated via @DizzRL on Github alongside some Stability Improvements from chendochap on Github as well. :geek: Download: / GIT /...
  7. Java BSD IPV6 UAF PS5 Vulnerability Implementation (WIP) by John Tornblom

    Following the previous PS5 BD-JB Reimplementation and John Tornblom's PS5FileDump Updates, he's recently updated his Github Repository with a work-in-progress (WIP) implementation of the Java BSD IPV6 UAF PS5 Vulnerability since the previously disclosed PlayStation 5 Kernel Access and PS4 / PS5...
  8. PS5 Kernel Access Granted via Previously Disclosed PS4 Exploit by TheFloW0

    Following his previously disclosed PS4 Kernel Exploit (Use-After-Free In IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS) report and PS5 BD-J Hack Source Code, today Security Engineer theflow0 disclosed on a Use-after-free in setsockopt IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS vulnerability granting PS5 Kernel access to an...
  9. PS5 BD-JB Exploit: First BD-J Hack Source Code by TheOfficialFloW

    In PS5Scene news today, since the previous PS5 BD-JB Reimplementation & App0 Listing developer TheOfficialFloW announced on Twitter that he decided to publish his BD-JB Source Code following the 2022-Hardwear-io-BD-JB.pdf as the scene managed to escape the BD-J Java Sandbox on PlayStation 5...
  10. Prospero App0 List & BD-JB Reimplementation, PS4 9.03 / 9.04 Payload Test

    This weekend PlayStation homebrew developer bigboss (aka psxdev) made available a Prospero App0 List and also shared via Twitter a Prospero BD-JB Reimplementation based on the PS4 BD-JB / PS5 BD-JB presentation (PDF Report) from TheFloW at HardWear 2022 and @sleirsgoevy's BD-JB Base Code...