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Announcements       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Nov 9, 2015 at 8:52 PM       1      
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Disqus.png Knocked another small item off the ongoing To-Do List today and enabled Disqus commenting integration for all articles / threads here on PSXHAX.COM.

You can comment using Disqus on them as long as they are a week old or newer, however, to keep spammers at bay if you include a link in your comment it must be approved first before it shows up publicly.

If anyone who is experienced with Disqus wants permission to Moderate these comments feel free to reply below or send me a shout at @PSXHAX and we'll make it happen since I don't use Disqus much personally. :oops:

We should be able to finally bring some testers on over to this site from the old one later this week, and then we'll open registrations publicly about a week after that as long as there aren't any major hiccups along the way.


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